Fall River DUI Lawyer

It would be nearly impossible to judge any criminal case, especially a DUI / OUI based solely on the arrest, video, police testimony, or breathalyzer results. There are many factors that come into play in defending against a DUI / OUI arrest in Fall River. If you have been arrested in Fall River for DUI / OUI you need an experienced Fall River DUI Lawyer on your side.
Being charged with OUI / DUI is a very serious matter and you should retain an experienced attorney right away. For this charge you face potential fines, surcharges, driver’s license suspension or revocation. Everyday our DUI Defense firm represents persons charged with DUI offenses including breathalyzer refusal. The implied consent law says you have to submit to a sobriety test in Fall River. There is a process to get your license back or to get a cinderella license but you need an experienced Fall River DUI Lawyer on your side.
Fall River DUI Defense
After being arrested for a DUI its normal to be scared. The consequences of being charged with DUI can effect your life and your career. You can lose your license and pay thousands of dollars in fines and insurance hikes. Fall River DUI Lawyer Rory Munns is in court EVERY DAY fighting DUIs. I have successfully defended hundreds of people charged with DUI / OUI and will put my experience to work for you. You cannot put your future in the hands of an attorney that doesn't focus their practice on Fall River DUI Defense. The consequences are too great. Fall River DUI Lawyer Munns has hundreds of positive online reviews and testimonials.
Contact Experienced Fall River DUI Lawyer Rory Munns Today
For the BEST DUI defense call Fall River DUI Lawyer Rory Munns today at 774-206-9222 or fill out our contact form. Drunk Driving is a serious offense and you need experienced counsel as soon as possible. Fall River DUI Attorney Munns is available 24/7 for a free consultation and we service all of Bristol and Plymouth Counties. We offer our legal services at affordable prices with flexible payment options.